Information on extraction of teeth

An impacted tooth is simply “stuck” so you can not chew with. Patients often have these problems with third molar teeth known as “wisdom tooth” or any other tooth. These teeth need to be extracted.

Other indications for extractions are:

1., Infection or inflammation associated with the tooth (The source of infection or other problems can be of placement of dental implants, or any other restorative treatments like bridges or crowns.)

2., Pain directly related to the tooth

3., In case of degradation or unrestorable orthodontic problems

Information before tooth extraction.

What to do if one of your teeth will be extracted

1., Clean your teeth thoroughly and then use dental floss

2., Dental hygienic treatment (scaling and polish). It is needed to remove bacterias form your mouth. If this is done no bacterias can get into the wound after extraction.

3., Please, do not smoke and do not drink alcoholic drinks and coffee a couple of days before extractions.

Information after tooth extraction.

What to do if one of your teeth were extracted

1., After tooth extraction, you need to keep the gauze in your mouth. After 15 minutes, discard the gauze in the trash, please.

2., After extraction of the tooth, you should not flush because the blood clot helps the healing process. Without the blood clot healing time can be painful and longer.

3., Clean the surface of the wound, please.

4., One day after tooth extraction use a soft toothbrush around the wound.

5., After extraction of the tooth, you can take painkillers.

6., A few days later, very rarely, the place of the extraction can be painful and inflamed, in this case see your dentist, please so that he can do the necessary follow-up.

7., If you have stitches you should have them removed by the dentist a week later.

8., If you accidentally lose a stitch do not worry, it does not affect the healing process.

9., Please, do not drink and eat dairy products for 2-3 days

10., Please, do not smoke and do not drink alcoholic drinks and coffee and do not smoke a couple of days after extractions.

If one of your teeth were extracted then the tooth gap will cause not only aesthetic but also functional problems. These effects can be felt in the short and long term as well.

What happens if there is no replacement for a lost tooth?

  • Intact teeth move towards the tooth gap
  • Teeth tilt, extend and roots lose stability
  • Greatly reduced the strength of the chewing teeth
  • Gums might get inflamed
  • Chewing of each bite might cause pain
  • Jaw will get thinner, significantly weakened
  • The jaw joints can be inflamed
  • The face and neck muscles deform
  • This deformation affects the spine, consequently the whole body

How to avoid this nightmare?

If you want to avoid all these problems, you need to get the missing teeth replaced.

Basically, you have two options.

The first one is a so-called bridge.

Replacement is made of two healthy teeth next to the missing tooth, so the gap will be bridged. Bridges can be made out of zirconium or porcelain fused to metal dental crowns. The second option is a more durable and stable solution that is dental implantation. Our surgery uses the most advanced bio-compatible titanium dental implants. Currently these bio-compatible dental implants are the best means of replacing missing teeth.

Why do we suggest you to choose dental implants?

  • There is no need to abrade the adjacent healthy teeth, as it is needed for a bridge.
    Implantation can be performed after the age of 14.
  • Using implants you will have a new, stable tooth in 3-6 months. Only two visits are needed to Budapest for a full tooth replacement with implants.
  • Lifetime warranty is provided for dental implants (only for material). For crowns a few years of warranty is provided.
  • Titanium artificial tooth roots (known as dental screws/implants) are embedded in the jaw, creating as stable bonding as your original teeth.
  • The new tooth will continue to keep jawbone and gums in shape, making them remain healthy in the long run.
  • Crowns fitted on implants perfectly match the original tooth in color and form.
  • Several teeth, or in the complete absence of real teeth a full set of removable dentures can be replaced by implant based overdentures.
  • Replacement will be stable and perfectly usable and reliable like for 50-60 years

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